16. How can you configure session state mode in the web.config file?

Session state mode can be configured in the web.config file by setting the mode attribute in the <sessionState> section to specify whether session data should be stored in-process, in a SQL Server database, or in a State Server.

17. What is the purpose of the <roleManager> section in the web.config file?

The <roleManager> section in the web.config file is used to configure role-based security settings for the web application, such as defining roles, mapping roles to users, and specifying role providers.

18. How can you configure custom HTTP headers for static files in the web.config file?

Custom HTTP headers for static files can be configured in the web.config file by using the <staticContent> section with options to set custom headers, MIME types, and cache control directives for specific file types.

19. How can you configure URL authorization rules in the web.config file?

URL authorization rules can be configured in the web.config file by using the <authorization> section with options to allow or deny access to specific URLs or directories based on user roles or users.

20. What is the purpose of the <httpCookies> section in the web.config file?

The <httpCookies> section in the web.config file is used to configure settings for HTTP cookies, such as setting cookie domain, path, expiration, and secure attributes for managing cookie behavior.

21. How can you configure custom error handling for specific HTTP status codes in the web.config file?

Custom error handling for specific HTTP status codes can be configured in the web.config file by setting the <httpErrors> section with options to redirect users to custom error pages based on different status codes.

22. How can you configure request filtering rules in the web.config file?

Request filtering rules can be configured in the web.config file by using the <requestFiltering> section with options to allow or deny specific HTTP requests based on criteria such as file extensions or request headers.

23. What is the purpose of the <customHeaders> section in the web.config file?

The <customHeaders> section in the web.config file is used to define custom HTTP headers that should be added to HTTP responses for controlling caching behavior, security policies, or other custom requirements.

24. How can you configure compression settings for static and dynamic content in the web.config file?

Compression settings for using < with options compression specific content types and.

.-origin in can be configured in the web.config file by using the <httpProtocol> section with options to add custom headers for handling CORS requests, such as setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Methods.

26. What is the purpose of the <modules> section in the web.config file?

The <modules> section in the web.config file is used to configure HTTP modules that can intercept and process requests at various stages of the request processing pipeline, such as authentication, logging, or URL rewriting.

27. How can you configure custom error logging in the web.config file?

Custom error logging can be configured in the web.config file by setting the <healthMonitoring> section with options to log errors, warnings, and other events to a specified log provider, such as the Windows Event Log or a custom log file.

28. How can you configure session state encryption in the web.config file?

Session state encryption can be configured in the web.config file by setting the <sessionState> section with options to enable encryption for session data, using the cookieProtection attribute with values such as All, None, or Encryption.

29. How can you configure custom HTTP handlers for specific file types in the web.config file?

Custom HTTP handlers for specific file types can be configured in the web.config file by using the <httpHandlers> section with options to map file extensions to custom handler classes for processing requests for those file types.

30. How can you configure custom output caching profiles in the web.config file?

Custom output caching profiles can be configured in the web.config file by setting the <caching> section with options to define named caching profiles with specific duration, location, and dependencies for caching output of specific pages or resources.