Top 100 ASP.NET Core Interview Questions and Answers for 2024 PART - 3

 Top 100 ASP.NET Core Interview Questions and Answers for 2024 PART - 3


1221.) What is a CLS (Common Language Specification)?


- CLS (Common Language Specification) is a subset of the CTS that defines a set of rules and guidelines for language interoperability within the .NET framework.

- It ensures that code written in different .NET languages can be easily used and accessed by other .NET languages.


1722.) What is an Assembly?


- An assembly is a fundamental unit of deployment in the .NET framework, containing compiled code, metadata, and resources needed to execute an application.

- It can be either a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) or an EXE (Executable) file.


23.)What are the different types of Assembly?


- There are two types of assemblies:

  1. Private Assembly: Installed in the application's directory and accessible only to that application.

  2. Shared Assembly: Installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and can be accessed by multiple applications.


24.)What is Namespace?


- A namespace is a way to organize and group related classes, interfaces, and other types within a .NET application.

- It helps prevent naming conflicts and provides better organization and readability of code.


25   25.)  What is the Difference between NameSpace and Assembly?


- An assembly is a physical grouping of compiled code, metadata, and resources, while a namespace is a logical grouping of related types within code.

- An assembly can contain one or more namespaces, and multiple assemblies can contribute to the same namespace.


2626.) What is ILDASM?


- ILDASM (IL Disassembler) is a tool provided by the .NET framework for viewing the IL code of a compiled assembly.

- It allows developers to inspect the intermediate language instructions generated by the compiler.


2727.) What is Manifest?


- A manifest is a metadata component of an assembly that contains information about the assembly's identity, versioning, dependencies, and security permissions.

- It is stored within the assembly and used by the CLR during assembly loading and execution.


2828.) Where is the version information stored in an assembly?


- The version information of an assembly is stored in its manifest.

- It includes the assembly's version number, which consists of major, minor, build, and revision components.


29.) Is versioning applicable to private assemblies?


- Yes, versioning applies to both private and shared assemblies.

- Private assemblies can specify version information to manage compatibility and updates within a single application.


2   30.) What is the use of strong names?


- Strong names are unique identifiers assigned to assemblies to ensure their integrity and prevent tampering.

- They consist of a public key token and a digital signature, which guarantee that the assembly has not been modified since it was signed.