Top 100 ASP.NET Core Interview Questions and Answers for 2024 PART - 1

Top 100 ASP.NET Core Interview Questions and Answers for 2024 PART - 1

An Overview of ASP.NET Interview Questions as well as Responses

ASP.NET is an open-source web framework that uses .Net to create quick and safe web applications and services. The main feature of ASP.NET is that it is a cross-platform framework, which means that you can create ASP.NET web applications with HTML, CSS, Javascript, or JQuery and it can operate on any operating system. ASP.NET Interview Questions and Answers can be found in this tutorial. With the use of ASP.NET training and ASP.NET interview questions and answers, you may create web applications that can be used with any other third-party resources, such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft.

 1.)     Whats the difference between a .NET and C#?


  • .NET:
  • Comprehensive framework developed by Microsoft.
  • Used for building and running applications on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Provides libraries, tools, and runtime environments.
  • Supports multiple programming languages.
  • C#:
  • Programming language designed for the .NET framework.
  • Object-oriented and modern.
  • Offers simplicity, readability, and scalability.
  • Used for building various types of applications within the .NET ecosystem.




2.) Differentiate between .NET Framework vs .NET Core vs .NET 5.0:


- .NET Framework:

  - Developed by Microsoft.

  - Initially released in 2002.

  - Designed primarily for Windows-based applications.

  - Has a large set of libraries and APIs.

  - Supports ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, and Windows Forms.


- .NET Core:

  - Also developed by Microsoft.

  - First released in 2016.

  - Cross-platform framework, supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  - Lightweight and modular.

  - Designed for modern application development, including cloud-based and microservices architectures.

  - Supports ASP.NET Core for web development and cross-platform console applications.


- .NET 5.0:

  - Represents the convergence of .NET Framework and .NET Core.

  - Released in 2020.

  - Unified platform for building all types of applications, including web, desktop, mobile, cloud, and IoT.

  - Continues the cross-platform support introduced in .NET Core.

  - Introduces new features and improvements over previous versions, including performance enhancements and language updates.


3.) Difference between managed and unmanaged code:


- Managed Code:

  - Code that is executed by the Common Language Runtime (CLR) in the .NET framework.

  - Provides automatic memory management, garbage collection, and runtime environment services.

  - Written in high-level languages like C#, VB.NET, or F#.

  - Managed code runs within a managed environment, ensuring safety and security through features like type-safety and memory management.


- Unmanaged Code:

  - Code that is executed directly by the operating system without the assistance of a runtime environment like the CLR.

  - Typically written in low-level languages like C or C++.

  - Developers are responsible for manual memory management, resource allocation, and deallocation.

  - Unmanaged code can directly interact with system resources and hardware, offering more control but also requiring careful handling to avoid memory leaks and security vulnerabilities.




4.) What is IL code?


- IL (Intermediate Language) code is the intermediate representation of .NET code generated by the compiler from source code written in languages like C#, VB.NET, or F#.

- It is a platform-independent, CPU-neutral set of instructions that can be executed by the Common Language Runtime (CLR) on any system that supports the .NET framework.


5.) Why IL code is not fully compiled?


- IL code is not fully compiled into machine code because it needs to be executed in a managed environment by the CLR.

- This allows for platform independence and runtime optimizations based on the target system's architecture and capabilities.


6.) Who compiles the IL code and how does it work?


- The CLR compiles IL code into native machine code at runtime through a process called Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation.

- This ensures that the code is optimized for the specific hardware and operating system on which it is running.


7.) How does JIT compilation work?


- JIT compilation occurs dynamically at runtime when a method is called for the first time.

- The CLR analyzes the IL code and generates native machine code tailored to the current execution environment.

- This native code is then executed directly by the CPU, improving performance compared to interpreting IL code.


8.) What are the different types of JIT?


- There are three types of JIT compilation:

  1. Normal JIT: Compiles methods when they are called at runtime.

  2. Econo JIT: Optimizes compilation time and memory usage by deferring compilation until necessary.

  3. Pre-JIT: Compiles all methods into native code at installation time or startup, producing an executable or assembly with pre-compiled code.


9.) What is Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe)?


- Ngen.exe is a tool provided by the .NET framework that pre-compiles IL code into native machine code ahead of time.

- It generates native images, which can improve startup performance by reducing the need for JIT compilation at runtime.


10.) So does it mean that NGEN.EXE will always improve performance?


- While Ngen.exe can improve startup performance by reducing JIT compilation overhead, its impact on overall performance may vary depending on factors such as the application's usage patterns and the target system's configuration.

- It may not always lead to performance improvements in all scenarios.